Dr Lucy Taylor
Consultant Clinical Psychologist

Specialising in emotional and behavioural problems
I am a Consultant Clinical Psychologist, accredited as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist with extensive experience of working with people with emotional and behavioural problems. I have particular expertise with adolescents and their families and young adults. I have spent over twenty years working in the NHS and I have an independent practice in Surrey. I am fully compliant with GDPR
I offer private psychological assessment and treatment for children (from age 13), adolescents and adults, on-line. I also offer numerous services within several primary and secondary schools (see work in schools for details.) I offer supervision to Clinical Psychologists and Cognitive Behavioural Therapists. I work with individuals presenting with a range of issues including anxiety, depression and eating disorders:
I accept referrals for assessment and treatment from self-referrers, GPs, other health professionals, health insurance companies and schools. See Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
Mobile: 07532 247967 | email: drlucytaylor@gmail.com

Including worry (generalised anxiety), panic attacks, agoraphobia, school anxiety, separation anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and social phobia.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
For example, accidents, victims of abuse, violence or witnessing traumatic incidents.

Including low mood, self-esteem issues and self-harm.

For example, work stress, college and university issues or school problems including bullying.

Behaviour management in children
For example, sleep and eating problems, anger and particular issues at home or at school.

Loss/Adjustment problems
For example, bereavement and difficulty coping with separation or divorce